2014. április 13., vasárnap
Alien and unpleasant - Interview with Pawel Spiewak, the director of Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Istitute
A goon,
fat Jewish man carries his own belly with a wheelbarrow. A rabbi
treads a map of Poland unmercifully. A group of Hebrew men are
laughing at the crucified woman who symbolizes Poland itself. These
are cartoons which became cruel prejudices. And after becoming
prejudices they turned into false facts which celebrate their
renaissance today. A new
exhibition in Warsaw displays about 300 caricatures from the period
between 1919 and 1939. The exhibition, which is being hosted by the
Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, tries to highlight the use of
the cartoons which were published in Polish press like Gospodarka
Zydów or Pod Pregierzem in the middle of the time when antisemitism
was common in Europe. These
prewar pictures were made almost 90 years ago. Are they old? Yes, of
course. The cartoons are very old. Are they already a part of the
past? We cannot answer this question so easily. We were partly talking with Mr. Spiewak about the exhibition and partly about present of the drawings today.
was your aim with this exhibition?
My aim
was mostly historical. I did not want to speak about the contemporary
times or to discuss the hate speech in the political and the public
discourse now, but we had to show
how deep and how strong was the antisemitism before the war, how it
looked like, what kind of patterns were used to produce negative
image of Jews.
Simply we wanted to
show three elements in this exhibition. First of all how Jewish
bodies were exhibited, because, as you could see, they were drawn in
a very special manner: they are ugly, fat and disgusting persons with
big belly and nouse. This is the essence, I think: they are not human
beings, but more closed to the rats and vermins. This kind of
humiliation of the Jews was just one step closer to the propaganda
which was used by the Germans during the occupation. They wanted to
produce the image that the Jews have no human traits. It was quite
important. This kind of picture created some kind of division between
the normal people and the Jews, who are strange and not fully human
The second main
element of the exhibition was to show the subject of how could a
minority control the majority. I mean the false beliefs about Jews:
they are controlling the litelature, all the money belongs to the
them and so on. The false belief of everything was in the Jewish
hands and the Poles were the victims.
The third element
which we wanted to show is the most shocking: the idea of solving the
Jewish case. It was visible, you can see on the drawings, they wanted
to adapt some ideas: to send them to Madagascar for example. They
should have been simply vanished. But the methods of how they should
precisely vanished is a completely different question.
I think these cartoons
are part of the Polish history. It was very strong image of the Jews
in Poland before the war. We wanted simply to show how intense and
how negative was the picture about the Jews between the wars and
point out the fact that they had the right to feel themselves very
badly before the Second World War. They felt like an alien and they
were threaten by not only physical but also symbolical aggression.
The question of the
contemporary times is competely different story. It does not mean
that I want to say that the same kind of pictures do not still exist,
perhabs they are. But what is uniting the prewar times to the
contemporary events is the question of technic and application: how
to produce an image for someone who is alien? What kind of language,
icons and patterns are used to create of hate speech.
Why did they use caricatures? What is the essence of this
cartoons? How can you describe the power off these drawings?
This kind of drawings was presented in every country all over Europe
before the war. Sometimes I have such a feeling that these drawings
were the same in Germany, in France and perhaps in Hungary too. The
antisemitic language was very dominant in the twentieth century. I
think the main question needs to elaborate a bit more. The question
of the extent of nationalistic and antisemitic speech. On one hand
they are completely different from each other, but on the other hand
the connection between them is strong. We have to address this
question precisely. Nationalism usually created tensions between the
nations, but antisemitism was also an element to unit them. One
country can make a war on the other but at the same time they can
have common roots on the fields of antisemitism.
What were the key factors enabling the propaganda to succeed in
convincing people as to how „evil” the Jews were? Was it
religion, was it nationalism, or were it low subsistence and
financial problems?
Poland it was connected firstly with religion. Just think about the
crucification: the Jews should be blamed everywhere by all generation
because of their responsibility of Christ's death. It is only one
story but quite important and quite influential one in Europe.
Completely different stories connected with the political antisemitism
which started to exist firstly in German and Austria in the 19.
century and later France, Russia and Poland started to follow these
examples. Let me mention a quite famous and influential Polish writer,
Zofia Kossak-Szczuczka. She wrote a memoir about her life in the
Eastern part of Poland. She used the language which was lied by the
drawings. Jews with specific thoughts, different shape of ears, lips
and so on. According to her the Jews are responsible for the growing
anti-religious thinking and the Bolshevik revolution is the part of
the Jewish conspiracy. The fighters were not only revolting against
the tsarism and the Russian Empire, but it was a revolution against
God. All of this was done by the Jews. She wrote that they are
responsible for strong and aggressive atheism. On the other hand she
was a good Christian, and one of the members of the Underground
Movement, which was saving the Jews during the war. She stated that
the Jews have to take the responsibility for their own suffering,
because they are not only victims but also perpetrators who advertise the atheistic views. And now
they are punished by the Germans. But at the same time as a Christian
she must have defended every human being.
Caricatures become prejudices. Prejudices turn into false facts.
The „evolution” of hate speech. Could we use the word of
„evolution” to describe the phenomenon of growing antisemitism or
of any kind of hatred against other groups in many places in Europe?
a look for example at the Bosnians' hate towards the Serbs. I do not
think that they used such kind of pictures. But antisemitism produced
a special kind of image for the enemy: the Jews were the enemies of
the international scale, for example. It is enough to mention Henry
Ford, the founder of the Ford Company. He was obsessed in his
antisemitism, and repeated the same kind of language which was used
by the Germans. This kind of ideas were moving from place to place
and every time with the same phrases: the Jewish conspiracy will
destroy the world, and so on. This sense of antisemitism was visible
especially after the Soviet revolution. The theory of Jewish
conspiracy was born that time mostly thanks to the book of The
protocols of the Elders of Zion.
It was written in the beginning of the twentieth century in Russia,
but it was translated into foreign languages and disseminated
internationally only in the early twenties. Antisemitism got lots of
energy because of this book. It was quite influential before, during
and especially after the war. Just take a look at the nature of hate
speech after the war, in which the main ingredient was the concept of
How popular were the newspapers in which the caricatures were
published, how big was their circulation and how many people could
actually have had access to them?
These were quite influential nationalistic newspapers. But not only
simple nationalistic or fascist, but also democratic papers. I do not
have precise information about the circulation, it depended on where
they were published. Some regions of Poland were more antisemitic
than others. In general it was influenced by the people's
imagination. A whole generation grew up with these prejudices about
the „evil Jews” which were used by their parents and
Where were they sold and who were the buyers by social strata?
is not easy to answer. Mostly it depends on the number of the people
who were able to read and to spend a few grosz
for these papers. The buyers were mostly the members of the lower
middle class. Some of the antisemitic elements did not only present as
part of newspapers but also - we showed the exhibition – different
leaflets were distributed among people.
What is the brief common history of media and antisemitism? If we
are talking about caricatures, we are talking simultaneously about
the media. Where is the starting point of the responsibility of
media? Let me put it this way: does and can exist the antisemitism
and any kind of hatred without the involvement of media?
In the past antisemitism was very connected to religion but the
economic position was also a key factor. Lot of Jews in Poland was
working as a craftsman for example, but mostly they were merchants,
they were buying things from the peasants and selling them later.
Negative attitudes toward the Jews were connected to these special
economic position. But it was not a Polish phenomenon. The same had
happened in every other country. The intent with these cartoons was
ideological. People who were writing and drawing for these papers
produced a special language with false facts. It is simple: writing
or drawing about this falsities… It is the point of responsibility
of media.
what about today? I am thinking also about the influence of
globalization. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr and blogs, if we
mention the main sites, where the drawings, pictures and cartoons
appear. How can they shape the thoughts of people? Is there
difference between the influence now and decades ago?
Yes, it looks like a new chapter of antisemitism. In some countries
the Nazi symbols are completely acceptable. For example in Greece. As
I see the new kind of antisemitism in Europe is more an more
powerful. The efforts to eliminate it are too weak. This is a very
strong pressure for the political elites to abandon this kind of
language. Because to stop and to fight against this attitude is two
different things. But what is new in it? I think the role of Israel.
People nowadays tend to think that we have to blame Israel for
everything which is bad. This point of view is not so popular in
Poland, but for example in Germany, in France or in he Scandinavian
countries is quite influential.
When I was asking about the contemporary cartoons I was thinking
about the Palestinian-Jewish conflict in the Middle-East. As we can
see, Arab antisemitism is inspired by the old European drawings, and
this „new antisemitism” is leaking back to Europe. Is it really a
new phenomenon in the history of antisemitism or are we drinking old
wines from new bottles?
On one hand we are using new bottles. I am thinking about blaming
Israel as I said before. But the „new” cartoons are using the
same language, so we are drinking the old wines. I am not able to
make any commence in the case of Youtube for example, because I am
using it very rarely. But at the same time I have a positive
feelings, because if you compare the level of the antisemitism 30
years ago and now, we are able to see real changes. People are more
sensitive to this question of tolerance here in Poland, and they
understand better that the Jews were victims of the second World War.
Poles and other nations took responsibility for the committed crimes.
As I see now Poland is not so obsessed with antisemitism than other
countries. We have nationalistic movements but these have been not so
strong and radical like Jobbik in Hungary for example.
As I see this kind of exhibition can help people to face with the
facts that happened in their country decades ago. To be honest, I can
hardly imagine organizing similar exhibition in Hungary now.
This kind of exhibition is a symbol of success. No-one wanted to
attack us because of this exhibition. Of course, people are not so
happy to live with these kinds of memories. Poles tend to forget
that the Second Polish Republic was not the greatest country in the
world. It was a flourishing society but the antisemitism took root
that time. I like very much a Czeslaw Milosz's formula. He wrote that
Poland is a very good nation composed by very bad people. This is
something what is true. Some Poles hated Jews, they had a very
negative attitude toward them but no-one was thinking about making
concentration camps for killing them there.
Maybe we should
organize a similar exhibition together. It would be a comparative
exhibition showing what kind of images was using in Hungary before
the war. If you compare the cartoons and its language in different
countries it would be possible to understand why Europe was so
infected by antisemitism.
politicians are afraid of criticizing the hatred, in order to keep
voters' trust, and the antisemitic parties of the extreme right are
getting stronger all around Europe. Neo-nazis are quite powerful,
especially among young people. Is this phenomenon could be the proof
of the power of the Internet?
It is hard to answer to this question. If you see the deeds of
football hooligans or just listen some music what is prepared for
youth, you can see that they use only hate speech. But I do not think
at the same time that they would understand what they are doing.
Mostly I have the feeling that young people are prone to listen to
radical language. This is the point. They are using the antisemitic
language because the Jew is someone who they could hate without
normal reasons. But who is the real Jew, what is the Jewish culture,
what was the Jews before the war… I do not think that they know
anything about these things. They are able to learn something from
their textbooks, but what they can find there is not enough. I think
that their negative emotions are not directed against anyone
personally. I do not feel myself unsafe here in Poland and no-one of
my Jewish friends are really threaten. They could feel a little bit
alienated, but it does not mean that they should feel threatened by
their neighbours.
So what is really powerful is the nature of radical language.
Yes, mostly because of the social situation and economic crisis. I
think that your generation will be the first one which will have
worse life than your parents had. You could have made carrier twenty
years ago. I am not saying that it was easy but the possibilities
were much more favorable than now.
In the light of the ongoing antagonism in the Middle-East, and
violent and less violent actions here in Europe (the murders of gypsy
families in Hungary a few years ago or the bloody fights in Greece
between the members of Golden Dawn and its opponents) what can be the
future of „new antisemitism”, racist or any kind of hatred if it
truly exists?
I believe that the majority of people understand quite well that
this is not the answer to the situation. The strong nationalism is
very serious and dangerous. It seems to me that these all
nationalistic conflicts are a big part of our European heritage.
Creating enemies unites the countries. Enemies, not in my opinion but
in opinion of numerous political movements. It is almost the same
story what I told you about the antisemitism. Anti-Muslim,
anti-African language is much more stronger than the attempts to
justify these people.
2014. április 9., szerda
Hátramaradt plakátok
A napokban elkezdett Szabadság téri
emlékmű építésén nincs is mit csodálkozni. Átverés? Persze,
hogy az. Mind a körülményeket tekintve, mind pedig azt, amit
szimbolizálni fog. Bizonyítéka annak a kétségbevonhatatlan
ténynek, hogy a kormánypárt felhatalmazta magát mindenre,
hangoztatva a pár nappal ezelőtt lezajlott népszavazás
eredményét: a nép újból kétharmados bizalmat adott, ergo azt
csinál, amit csak akar. Bármit, ahogy a miniszterelnök három
nappal ezelőtt hűen demonstrálta a nemzetközi sajtótájékoztatón
azt a csökönyös mentalitást, amely meghatározta az elmúlt négy
év kormányzását, s ami meg fogja határozni az előttünk álló
hosszú éveket, akár évtizedeket is. Akármilyen kritikával is
élünk, tartalmasabb választ nem várhatunk a „maga honnan jött”,
„a nép is ezt akarta” vagy a „nép hangot adott akaratának”
félmondatoknál. A legnagyobb probléma azonban épp az, hogy ez a
„nép” a szavazók 44 százalékát jelenti „csupán”. Alig
több mint kétmillió embert egy tízmilliós országban,
beleszámítva a több százezer határon túl élő „honfitárs”
vagy „nem honfitárs”, ergo „menekülő” szavazatát vagy épp
némaságát is. Nem a többséggel van a probléma, hanem azzal a
magatartással, amely az azon kívül-, túlállókat ellenséggé
teszi. Persze a túlzásokat már megszoktuk. A siker még bukás
formájában is siker marad, ha úgy akarják. Márpedig a Fidesz
2010-hez képest több százezer szavazót veszített. Erről nem
igazán beszéltek. S arról sem, hogy a pártok közül egyedül a
Jobbiknak sikerült növelnie (nem kis mértékben) szavazóinak
Fárasztó lenne levonni a vasárnapi
szavazás konzekvenciáit. Nem az lenne az érdekes, amit már többen
is elmondtak azóta, hanem mindaz, hogy mindezt a választások előtt
is fel lehetett vázolni. Április 6-a forgatókönyvét előre
megírták. Ehhez nem volt szükség semmiféle jobboldali
médiabirodalom önkényére, vagy épp az új választási rendszer
állítólagos igazságtalanságára. Elég volt némi radikalizmus,
középszerűség, és nevetséges, harmatgyenge baloldali
politikusok egész hadserege. Mert az „elmúlt nyolc évet” lehet
kritizálni. Nem folyt akkor más, csak az úgynevezett átlagemberek
szakszerű kifosztása, amely sikerre vitte még 2014-ben is a Fidesz
és a Jobbik kiüresedett pénztárcákat
megcélzó kampányát. A múlt kísért. Vagy talán már végzett
is örökre a baloldallal, nem hagyva mást belőlük, mint némi
vöröses, halvány színt a Parlamentben, egy ellenzék látszatát,
üres és mozgatható bábokkal.
A baloldal halott. S az is marad, ha
ebben a formájában, ezekkel a hiteltelen emberekkel működik
tovább. Az MSZP-t csak az összefogás mentette meg attól, hogy a
statisztikában ne a Jobbik mögött kullogjon. S addig nem is fog
elérni semmilyen eredményt, amíg nem fűti más csak a bosszú,
mindezt azon orbáni eszközökkel elérve, ami őket is perifériára
sodorta. Az ellenzék csodaszarvasa Bajnai Gordon volt. Elszántnak
tűnt 2012. október 23-án. A nagy visszatérés. Az intellektuel.
Erőt bár nem sugárzott, bíztunk benne, mert nem volt más. Alig
másfél év elteltével nem maradt belőle egyéb, mint
intellektusának halvány fényében melegedő háttérember, a
szavazás utolsó pillanatában még bohócnak átvedlő ficsúr,
arcán némi bizonytalansággal: „talán ez még sem a legjobb
Egy barátom azt mondta, ez az ország
lehúzza az embert. Akartam nem egyet érteni. Tiltakozni. De
semmilyen ellenérv nem jutott eszembe. Nemrég jártam otthon.
Család, barátok, s megállíthatatlan panaszáradat, messze a
száraz politikától. Minden beszűkül a négy fal közé, ahonnan
nem az az fontos, hogy ki a miniszterelnök, ki az ellenzék, vagy
épp mi jelet a jobboldali radikalizmus, hanem az, hogy legyen elég
pénz kihúzni a hónap végéig. Ahol gondot jelent a fodrász, az
internet fizetése, a kölcsön, vagy épp egy délutáni fagylalt a
sarki cukrászdában. Szinte pofon vágott a látvány, ami fogadott.
Kopott, szakadt ruhák, fogatlan mosolyok, üres tekintetek a buszok
ablakaira tapadva, elfeledett figurák, akiket négyévente
elővesznek, elhitetve velük „pillanatnyi nélkülözhetetlenségüket”.
Mindezt megemlítem B.-nek is. Elmosolyodik. Azt mondja túlzom. „Nem
annyira rossz” - mondja. Mégsem tudom másként látni az egészet hat
hosszú hónap után, ami elválaszt a magyar utcák erősödő
melankóliájától. „Varsóban nincs 'leélt' ember?" - kérdi. Dehogy
nincs. De ott biztosan megfordulnék utánuk, csodálkozva egy
pillanatig az ide-nem-illőségükön. Otthon ez nem így van. Az ember
kénytelen mereven előre tekinteni, különben orra bukik. Be
kellett látnom, hogy barátomnak igaza van. Bár eddig nem sok
helyen jártam a világban, sehol sem éreztem magam annyira
elnyomottnak, elkeseredettnek, mint a magyar járdaköveken.
Legalábbis, ha az utolsó hónapjaimat nézem, melyeket az országban
töltöttem. Lassan ábrándultam ki mindebből, épp olyan lassan,
amilyen ütemben felismertem, hogy ellenséget csinálnak belőlem
ott, ahol születtem. Mert, aki nem velük van, hát ellenük.
Márpedig én nem lehetek velük.
Magyarország felszívja az embert,
akár egy bűzös pöcegödör, megemészti és kiokádja. Alig látni
boldog embert, és aki annak is hiszi magát szerencsés vagy épp
saját függetlenségének illúziójában fürdő önkéntes
rabszolga. A Fidesz és a Jobbik kampánya egyértelműen a korgó
gyomrok enyhítésére ajánlott némi „fejadagot”. Míg a
baloldal mindezt kihagyva, arról próbálta meggyőzni az embereket,
hogy a Fidesz miként manipulál, hamisít, alkotmányoz. Ám
kihagyta a lényeget: pontosan és egyértelműen megfogalmazni miért
rossz arra az oldalra szavazni. Mindegy, hogy mi adja a jóleső
árnyékot: egy újabb Horthy-szobor vagy egy megrémült Gábriel. A
lényeg, hogy ott az árnyékban legyen valami ehető. Valami
rágható. Évekkel ezelőtt egy tanárom figyelmeztetett, ne
foglalkozzam politikával. Később azonban rá kellett jönnöm,
hogy a környezet kényszeríti az embert arra, ami épp fertőzi a
levegőt. Nem a politika fertőz. Hanem az az önkény, makacság és
gyengeség, ami körülveszi az embert. Ahogy Hajnóczy mondaná: itt
nem lehet másról írni, csak az igazát követelő fűtőről. A
2014-es választás kudarc. Az egész országé. Bár hibáztatni nem
lehet senkit. Senki nem vágja le a kezet, amelyik enni ad. Ám azt
igen, amelyik figyelmeztetőül orrba akar csapni.
Innen nézve talán mégis van helye a
Szabadság téri szobormonstrumnak. Kell egy lenyomat, kell valami
kézzelfogható, ami emlékeztet arra, hogy létezett egykor egy
olyan időszak, ahol a népesség húsz százalékára alapozva és
hivatkozva bármit el lehetett követni, mélyre ágyazva a jelenlegi
kormánypárt azon nyilvánvaló, de mégis láthatatlan törekvéseit,
amely egybeköti őket a szélsőjobboldallal. Hiszen utóbbi nem
tesz mást csak kiegészít, valamint kimondja azt, ami az előbbi
fejében jár már évek óta. Hogy ebből a szemszögből mi a
Jobbik? A kormány eltorzított változata „szigorúan 18 éven
Persze, mindez elmúlik idővel. Talán
valóban tanácsosabb lenne hátat fordítani, s hagyni az elgázolt
macska tetemét az út szélén. Nem is marad más, mint egy-két
„Folytatjuk” mondat,
egy megtépázott plakát megviselt
amit leszakít a szél,
vagy az eső,
vagy egy frusztrált járókelő.
Bejegyzések (Atom)