B. azt mondja mennyire beesett az arcom. Bólintok,
nem is tudom mit válaszolhatnék, látom magam is. Lassan egy hete alig eszem,
szinte nem is alszom. S ami a lényeg, szinte egy sort sem írok. Érdekes
megfigyelni a testem reakciót, ezt a tompán nyomasztó érzést, amely leülepedett
a gyomromban. Este mozi. Nagy Gatsby. Elmarasztaló kritikák. Szerintem jó film.
A könyv jut az eszembe. Ha jól tudom megjelenésekor hasonló negatív visszhangot
keltett, mint most a film. A mellékszereplők kissé sekélyesek. Gatsby figurája
tökéletes. Néhol talán a Luhrmann-giccs nem illik a történethez. A 3D teljesen
felesleges. Hiányzik a korkép, amely az eredetiben benne volt. Itt Gatsby
karakter. Fitzgerald-nál típus. Ha a karrier szempontjából a múlt
elengedhetetlen, akár ki is lehet találni azt. F. azt mondja, sose tudja, mi
jár a fejemben. Nevetve felelek, hogy semmi. Csupán álca, csakúgy, mint a
vigyor, ami válaszom őszinteségét takarja. Késő este. Beszélgetés M.-el.
Elmondom, mennyire megnyugszom ilyenkor. Reggelre azonban visszaáll a görcs.
B. mentioned how pale my face is. I nodded, I didn’t know what should I have said to her, I could see it very well. It's almost a week since I hardly eat something and even my dreams are very bad. A main point is that I wrote just a few rows for the last days. Even so it is interesting to watch myself, the reactions of my body, the overwhelming feeling which is subsided on my stomach. We were at the cinema in the evening. The Great Gatsby. It got a lot of bad critics. I think it was good. The book came upon my head. As far as I remember the book got similar negative critics when it was released. The supporting cast was futile. However Gatsby was perfect. The Luhrmann's kitsch didn’t work in some places in this story. The 3D was competely unnecessary. The picture of that time is what was missing from the film even though that is very important element in the original story. Now the Gatsby's character in the film: in Fitzgerald’s writing he was a type. If the past is indispensable for the career, you are able to create the past. F. said she never knows what I’m thinking about. I laughed and answered that I don't thing about anything in particular. It is just a mask like the sneer which covers the sincerity of my answer. It was late when I had a conversation with M. I told her how I become how tranquil I am when I’m speaking with her. But the spasm always returns in the next morning.
B. mentioned how pale my face is. I nodded, I didn’t know what should I have said to her, I could see it very well. It's almost a week since I hardly eat something and even my dreams are very bad. A main point is that I wrote just a few rows for the last days. Even so it is interesting to watch myself, the reactions of my body, the overwhelming feeling which is subsided on my stomach. We were at the cinema in the evening. The Great Gatsby. It got a lot of bad critics. I think it was good. The book came upon my head. As far as I remember the book got similar negative critics when it was released. The supporting cast was futile. However Gatsby was perfect. The Luhrmann's kitsch didn’t work in some places in this story. The 3D was competely unnecessary. The picture of that time is what was missing from the film even though that is very important element in the original story. Now the Gatsby's character in the film: in Fitzgerald’s writing he was a type. If the past is indispensable for the career, you are able to create the past. F. said she never knows what I’m thinking about. I laughed and answered that I don't thing about anything in particular. It is just a mask like the sneer which covers the sincerity of my answer. It was late when I had a conversation with M. I told her how I become how tranquil I am when I’m speaking with her. But the spasm always returns in the next morning.
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