Június 20, napi jelentés: permet szárad a bőrömön,
okádja a repülő, nélküled nem vagyok más, csak egy darab hús, amelyet szédülő,
haldokló szúnyogok zabálnak, hőség, zavaros és hosszú álmok, Te elmész a
mosdóba, megvárlak, mondom, de visszaérkezésed nem várja meg a makacs álom, már
az ajtóban állsz, mikor meglátlak, hajnali fűnyíró, majd felriadok, akár egy
nyakon szúrt disznó, aki nem érti miért vonszolták ki az ólból, ahol a
megszokások, és a napi rutinos etetések egy nappá zsugorították szánalmas és
részvéttelen életét.
20th of June, daily report: poisonous spray is drying on my skin, the plane is dispersing, without you I am just a piece of flesh full of blood which is just simple food for the mosquitos, swelter, confused and long dreams, you are going to the toilet, I would wait for you, I said, but the stubborn dream doesn't want to wait for your arrival, you are staying at the door when I notice that there you are, the sound of the lawnmower at dawn, I woke up startled out of my sleep, just like the stabbed swine which doesn't understand why is it dragged out from it's sty where the daily routine and the system of daily feedings reduce it's woeful life to a day.
20th of June, daily report: poisonous spray is drying on my skin, the plane is dispersing, without you I am just a piece of flesh full of blood which is just simple food for the mosquitos, swelter, confused and long dreams, you are going to the toilet, I would wait for you, I said, but the stubborn dream doesn't want to wait for your arrival, you are staying at the door when I notice that there you are, the sound of the lawnmower at dawn, I woke up startled out of my sleep, just like the stabbed swine which doesn't understand why is it dragged out from it's sty where the daily routine and the system of daily feedings reduce it's woeful life to a day.
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