A magam módján, persze, én is gyászolom Trianont. Gyászom
tárgya azonban más: sajnálom, hogy szülővárosom, nem az osztrák harangokat
hallgatja reggelente. Pár nappal ezelőtt ebéd A.-val és P.-vel a Stefánia
sarkán. Rendőrök az utcák sarkán, majd jönnek az „emlékezők”. Alig pár százan. „Igazságot
Magyarországnak” – olvassák fel az angolul írt transzparenst a mellettünk ülő
franciák. Nevetnek. Sokáig én sem bírom. Meglátom a menetelő csoportot. A közös
mozgás láthatóan nem megy nekik. Szétesnek. Furcsa, hogy, ami alig 70 évvel
ezelőtt rémisztő volt, ma, ebben az országban mennyire nevetséges. Minden
ebédhez jár a desszert. A „tömeg” végén betyárok, kezükben az ostor.
In my own way I mourn for Trianon too. But the subject of my mourning is different: I regret that my hometown doesn't listen to the Austrian bells every morning. I had lunch with A. and P. a few days ago at the Stefánia street's corner. There were policemen on the street, later the "mourners" came. Not even thousand demonstrators. „Justice for Hungary” – the French people who were sitting next to us read aloud one of the banners written in English. They were laughing. I also could not stand it anymore. Suddenly I saw the group of marchers. They weren’t able to move together. They went to pieces. It is strange that what was so frightening about 70 years ago in this country now has became ridiculous. After every lunch you can get a dessert. At the end of the „crowd” you could see the Hungarian scamps with a whips in their hands.
In my own way I mourn for Trianon too. But the subject of my mourning is different: I regret that my hometown doesn't listen to the Austrian bells every morning. I had lunch with A. and P. a few days ago at the Stefánia street's corner. There were policemen on the street, later the "mourners" came. Not even thousand demonstrators. „Justice for Hungary” – the French people who were sitting next to us read aloud one of the banners written in English. They were laughing. I also could not stand it anymore. Suddenly I saw the group of marchers. They weren’t able to move together. They went to pieces. It is strange that what was so frightening about 70 years ago in this country now has became ridiculous. After every lunch you can get a dessert. At the end of the „crowd” you could see the Hungarian scamps with a whips in their hands.
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