Ma ebéd anyámmal, A.-val és P.-vel. A. beszél végig, mint
mindig. A vele való kapcsolatom jól mutatja fejlődésem (vagy fejlődésnek vélt
változásom szakaszait). Korábban hamar elkalandoztam, miközben beszélt. Pedig
talán érdemes lett volna meghallani dolgokat, melyeket aztán el is
mulasztottam. Most úgy kapaszkodom szavaiba, hogy szinte kitörnek a körmeim.
Talán az iskola, illetve annak biztos volta tett annyira figyelmetlenné. A
tanulóévek káros nyugalma. Talán a Wilhelm Meister-féle nevelésben kellett
volna részesülnöm. A fiatal, aki nem tudja, mit kezdjen a jövővel. S a fiatal,
akinek ezt a jövőt, akár egy megrendezett színházat, előkészítették. Heteken
belül végezni fogok. Mára A. kőkemény szavai az egyetlen kapaszkodók számomra.
Kései nevelő. Illetve jómagam vettem észre későn, hogy ő valójában nevelő. Néha,
miközben beszél, nem tudom eldönteni mit is gondoljak róla: valóban „felkészít”,
vagy csupán öregedő személyét akarja elültetni bennem, bennünk. Vagy talán e
kettő ugyanaz.
I had a lunch today with my mother, A. and P. A. was speaking continually the same as usual. The relationship with him shows my development (or the changes that occured to me). Earlier I was thinking of something else while he was speaking to me. Maybe I should have listened what he was saying. Today I hold on his words and my nails almost split from my fingers. Maybe the school made me so inattentive. The poisonous peace of learning years. Maybe I should have participated in Wilhelm Meister's type of gaining the knowledge. The young boy who doesn’t know what he should do with his future. And the others who planned the future for this young boy just like in the theatre. I finish my studies in few weeks. The only thing what remained for me are just A.’s words which are hard as a stone. The late teacher. Or rather I noticed too late that he is a teacher. Sometimes, when he’s speaking, I cannot decide what I shall to think about him: he wants to prepare me trully for the future or just wants to plant his elderly personality in me, in us. Or maybe these two are the same.
I had a lunch today with my mother, A. and P. A. was speaking continually the same as usual. The relationship with him shows my development (or the changes that occured to me). Earlier I was thinking of something else while he was speaking to me. Maybe I should have listened what he was saying. Today I hold on his words and my nails almost split from my fingers. Maybe the school made me so inattentive. The poisonous peace of learning years. Maybe I should have participated in Wilhelm Meister's type of gaining the knowledge. The young boy who doesn’t know what he should do with his future. And the others who planned the future for this young boy just like in the theatre. I finish my studies in few weeks. The only thing what remained for me are just A.’s words which are hard as a stone. The late teacher. Or rather I noticed too late that he is a teacher. Sometimes, when he’s speaking, I cannot decide what I shall to think about him: he wants to prepare me trully for the future or just wants to plant his elderly personality in me, in us. Or maybe these two are the same.
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