Egy nap, amikor végre nem én vagyok a főszereplő. Érdekes
cikk a BBC-n az internetes cenzúráról. Kikerült a világhálóra egy videó,
amelyen egy alig 25 éves nőt fejeznek le késsel. Bevallom, jómagam is
megkerestem az említett videót, arra azonban, hogy megnézzem, nem bírtam
rávenni magam. A cikkben internetes szakértőket kérdeztek a cenzúráról. Jól
ismert közhelyek: az erőszak korra, nemre való tekintettel káros hatással van
mindenkire. Mintha ezekkel a klisékkel próbálnák eltakarni bármiféle cenzúra
valódi lényegét: miféle kritérium szerint használnák? Könnyen a hatalom, a
kormány kritériumának nyomása alá kerülne, annak politikai, vallási és egyéb
oldalait indirekt közvetítve. Ám talán a cenzúra fogalma változott meg: a
szabadság illúziójaként becsomagolt folyamatos megfigyelés. Mert mi a facebook,
ha nem az új század egyik leghatékonyabban működő cenzúrája? Bárányok a kerítés
mögött. Akik közülük középen állnak, talán nem is tudnak a kerítésről. Akik
viszont közelebb a határokhoz, nem legelnek. Reménytelenül kiabálnak a
többieknek. Julian Assange és a korszellem leküzdhetetlen paranoiája.
A day when I don’t have to play the leading character. I read an intresting article on BBC Homepage about the censorship in the Internet. A brutal video was released on the net in which a young woman is being decapitated with a simple knife. I have to admit that I have found this video, but I didn't have any strength to watch it. Some experts were interviewed in the article. It contained the well-known stereotyped phrases: the witnessing of violence, regardless of sex and age, is harmfull for everybody. It looks like there exists some kind of groups which want to cover the truth with these clichés: the question of what criteria would be used? Any power, any government could pressure the Internet to consider their own criteria, indirectly transmitting their opinions, regularities and pictures about the world for political, religious or other aspects. Or maybe the idea of censorship has changed for now: unceasing monitoring which looks like the illusion of freedom. Because, for example, what is the Facebook? It is the best an the most efficient form of censorship. The lambs are surrounded by the fence. The middle of this drove don’t know anything about the existence of the fence. But those, who stand closer to the borders don't eat peacefully. They are shouting to the others hopelessly. Julian Assange and the invincible paranoia of our age's spirit.
A day when I don’t have to play the leading character. I read an intresting article on BBC Homepage about the censorship in the Internet. A brutal video was released on the net in which a young woman is being decapitated with a simple knife. I have to admit that I have found this video, but I didn't have any strength to watch it. Some experts were interviewed in the article. It contained the well-known stereotyped phrases: the witnessing of violence, regardless of sex and age, is harmfull for everybody. It looks like there exists some kind of groups which want to cover the truth with these clichés: the question of what criteria would be used? Any power, any government could pressure the Internet to consider their own criteria, indirectly transmitting their opinions, regularities and pictures about the world for political, religious or other aspects. Or maybe the idea of censorship has changed for now: unceasing monitoring which looks like the illusion of freedom. Because, for example, what is the Facebook? It is the best an the most efficient form of censorship. The lambs are surrounded by the fence. The middle of this drove don’t know anything about the existence of the fence. But those, who stand closer to the borders don't eat peacefully. They are shouting to the others hopelessly. Julian Assange and the invincible paranoia of our age's spirit.
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