Azt mondta, hogy túlzok. Pedig ha tudná, hogy mennyire
tisztában vagyok szavaim gyerekes túlzásaival. Azt is mondta, nekem az lenne a
legjobb, ha ő egészen nap a szobában maradna. Bevallom, igaza van. Az valóban
megnyugtatna – feleltem őszintén, mosolyogva. Nehezen fogadom el, hogy valami
kilóg az irányításom alól. Rohantam haza, hogy beszélni tudjak még vele. Kora
este esett az eső, tanúskodtak a pocsolyák, amelyeket átugrottam, s amelyek
feketeségében mintha fuldokoltak volna a csillagok.
She said I was exaggerating. I wish she knew that I am fully aware of the exaggeration of my childish words. She added that she knows what would be the best for me: if she has to stay in her room all day long. She’s right, I admitted. That would be trully reassuring for me – I answered with a smile on my face. It is unacceptable that there are things which aren’t under my control. I hurried home because I wanted to speak with her before she goes to bed. The puddles I jumped over on my long way home were the witnesses of the early evening's rain. It seemed that the stars are suffocating in the blackness of these puddles.
She said I was exaggerating. I wish she knew that I am fully aware of the exaggeration of my childish words. She added that she knows what would be the best for me: if she has to stay in her room all day long. She’s right, I admitted. That would be trully reassuring for me – I answered with a smile on my face. It is unacceptable that there are things which aren’t under my control. I hurried home because I wanted to speak with her before she goes to bed. The puddles I jumped over on my long way home were the witnesses of the early evening's rain. It seemed that the stars are suffocating in the blackness of these puddles.
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