Anyámnál a kórházban. Kérdi, miért nem mosolygok.
Magam sem tudom, miért viselkedem vele így. Később felhív, s bocsánatot kér. „Miért”
– kérdezem. Kizárólag én tartozom bocsánatkéréssel. P.-vel szótlan vagyok.
Látom, hogy zavarja, nem mer szólni hozzám. Én mégsem tudok beszélni. Mintha
egy filmben szerepelnék, amelynek az utolsó percei pörögnek. A kép lassan
kifakul, a színek eltűnnek. A végefőcímet senki sem nézi meg. Akár a
Gondry-féle Tajtékos napokban, amelyet tegnap végre sikerült megnéznem. Találkoztam
T.-vel. Szerdán utazik Amerikába. Azt tanácsoltam neki, amit egy nappal
korábban A.-nak is: ne jöjjön vissza ide. Beszélgetések M.-vel. Talán sikerült
végre kifejeznem neki a hiányát. Mintha kitépték volna a jobb karom, amit csak
később kaphatok vissza. Addig a ballal kell írnom. Azzal azonban nem tudok.
With my mother in the hospital. She asks, why am I not smiling. Honestly, I don't know, why I behave like this in front of her. She called me later, and said, she was sorry. "But why?" - I asked. The only one who should apologize is me. I stay silent when I meet with P. I can see that he's confused and doesn't have the courage to say anything. But even then I cannot start the conversation. I feel like I'm in a film, which will end in a minute. The picture is slowly going dark, all the colours are disapearing. And no one is watching the end credits. It reminds me of Gondry's film - Mood indigo, which I finally managed to see. I met with T. She's going to the USA on Wednesday. I advised her the same I advised A. the previous day: don't come back. Conversations with M. I think I finally managed to express, how much I miss her. It's like someone cut off my right arm and I can have it back only some time later. Till then I have to write with my left hand. The problem is I don't know how to write with my left hand.
With my mother in the hospital. She asks, why am I not smiling. Honestly, I don't know, why I behave like this in front of her. She called me later, and said, she was sorry. "But why?" - I asked. The only one who should apologize is me. I stay silent when I meet with P. I can see that he's confused and doesn't have the courage to say anything. But even then I cannot start the conversation. I feel like I'm in a film, which will end in a minute. The picture is slowly going dark, all the colours are disapearing. And no one is watching the end credits. It reminds me of Gondry's film - Mood indigo, which I finally managed to see. I met with T. She's going to the USA on Wednesday. I advised her the same I advised A. the previous day: don't come back. Conversations with M. I think I finally managed to express, how much I miss her. It's like someone cut off my right arm and I can have it back only some time later. Till then I have to write with my left hand. The problem is I don't know how to write with my left hand.